About Hope Creek Academy

Our History

Hope Creek Staff 2024/25

Hope Creek Academy, formerly Just Right Academy, began in 2010 when Marion Houser and Linda McDonough recognized a need for an alternative school setting for their own children and others in their community.

They designed a school for children who need positive reinforcement, more movement, reduced stress, both remediation and challenge, along with a multi-sensory way of learning.

Who We Are

Mission Statement

Hope Creek Academy is a school where neurodivergent students and their families find support socially, emotionally, and academically in order to achieve maximum lifetime success.

Hope Creek Academy has been and will continue to be an affirming and supportive community for our students, staff, and parents. This has been and always will be a non-negotiable piece of our mission.

Our Students

Who We Serve

Our students often come to us when the traditional school model fails to provide an adequately supportive environment for their social, emotional, and academic needs.

We provide a safe and supportive learning environment for students with a variety of needs. Some of these differences include students with: autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, executive functioning challenges, alternative communication needs (AAC), anxiety, and other learning differences.

We currently serve about 70 students in grades K-12, with a low student-to-teacher ratio, so we can provide a high level of support as students grow in independence. Students join us from all over the Triangle (Durham, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Hillsborough, and Pittsboro).

Our ideal student can function within a group without danger to himself or others. They thrive in a structured environment, with clear expectations, consistency, more movement, and multi-sensory learning, with both remediation and challenge. Within those limits, HCA actively seeks children diverse in race, color, nationality, religion, family structure, and socioeconomic background.

  • A child should know some JOY in each day and look forward to some joyous event for the morrow.

    Nicholas Hobbs

  • Everyday is an opportunity to start fresh.

    Nicholas Hobbs

  • Trust between adult and child is essential; it's the glue that holds the teaching and learning together.

    Nicholas Hobbs

  • Children and adolescents should be helped to be competent at something, especially schoolwork

    Nicholas Hobbs

  • Time is an ally and children need time and a safe space to develop competency.

    Nicholas Hobbs

  • Self-control and personal management can be taught.

    Nicholas Hobbs

  • Intelligence, problem-solving, and good decision making can be taught.

    Nicholas Hobbs

  • Feelings should be nurtured, shared spontaneously, controlled when necessary, expressed when too long repressed, and explored with trusted others.

    Nicholas Hobbs

  • A healthy group can be a source of support, strength, learning, and reinforcement to a struggling child.

    Nicholas Hobbs

  • Ceremony and ritual give order, stability, comfort, and confidence.

    Nicholas Hobbs

  • The body is the armature of the self, the physical self around which the psychological self is constructed. In other words, children need to move!

    Nicholas Hobbs

  • Communities are essential for children and youth, so community experiences and service opportunities must be provided.

    Nicholas Hobbs

Our Familes

Parent Organization

Hope Creek Academy Parent Organization is an active and essential part of our school community. Parents and guardians are encouraged to share their skills and passions by volunteering at various events and committees throughout the year.

We have committees for fundraising, grant writing, special events, service projects, classroom support, and technology/marketing.


Various parent/guardian seminars and support events are planned during the school year. Previous seminars have included experts from around the Triangle area, including from Duke University and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, to speak on topics ranging from nervous system regulation to financial planning.

In addition to structured support, you’ll find a welcoming and encouraging community of families that understand where you’re coming from. They’ll share resources and ideas when you need support.

Our Staff

Our Values

The HCA staff are committed to creating and maintaining a safe, respectful environment in which students can learn and grow. Mutual trust, daily rituals, community, and moments of joy are a few essential elements of this environment.

Staff are encouraged to pursue regular continuing education opportunities. They seek out a variety of education and certifications including, but not limited to, TEACCH, Social Thinking, Mindful Schools, trauma-informed care approaches, and reading & literacy programs (such as Orton-Gillingham and Wilson Reading System).